Ir'Gu est un artiste    Ir'Gu is an artist

English release below

Ir'Gu est un artiste annonce la mise en vente de 25 pièces NFT d'un puzzle. Chaque pièce est unique, le puzzle lui aussi est unique (la photo est la propriété de l'artiste).
Elle représente un Opuntia (figuier de Barbarie) avec une petite abeille.

Le site de vente choisi est hic et nunc. Les jetons (tokens) sont émis peu à peu. Vous pouvez en acheter pour en faire collection mais aussi dans l'espoir que quelqu'un en voudra plus fort que vous et achètera votre pièce plus chère.
Comme pour Bitcoin, le nombre de jetons est limité, plus on approchera du 25ème, plus le prix est élevé.
Maintenant que tous les jetons sont émis, vous pouvez les placer dans des enchères ou participer à des enchères dans le but de pouvoir réunir le puzzle en entier.

Par la suite, Ir'Gu est un artiste produira d'autres puzzles tout aussi uniques.

Allez vite sur le site hic et nunc.

Communiquez via Twitter @irgostiru
Via Facebook
Via Linkedin

Liste des pièces émises

Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-101 #8641 Vendue tz1fUZ5pMP1gUjuJsp5V631cXmA87Kxm3cuZ
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-102 #8654 Vendue tz1fUZ5pMP1gUjuJsp5V631cXmA87Kxm3cuZ
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-103 #9328 Vendue tz1fUZ5pMP1gUjuJsp5V631cXmA87Kxm3cuZ
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-104 #16736 Vendue tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-105 #22801 Vendue tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-106 #23729 Vendue tz1MohzpYmKtbp7rJR9jtH8epBsATmDL4Wpd
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-107 #24653 Vendue tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-108 #32004 Vendue tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-109 #38566 Vendue tz1ZmRNg15UZVoM1wE89umMiE35Ff4ZAnKqw
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-110 #38570 Vendue tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-111 #40518 Vendue tz1QFDxeUhbndxCoM59j7aHT1JeUXmCAAwDx
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-112 #40521 Vendue tz1MohzpYmKtbp7rJR9jtH8epBsATmDL4Wpd
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-113 #41971 Vendue tz1ZmRNg15UZVoM1wE89umMiE35Ff4ZAnKqw
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-114 #41973 Vendue tz1ZmRNg15UZVoM1wE89umMiE35Ff4ZAnKqw
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-115 OBJKT#41982
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-116 OBJKT#46988
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-117 OBJKT#46995
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-118 OBJKT#47003
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-119 OBJKT#47023 Coin bas droit
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-120 #47040 Vendue tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-121 #57825 Vendue tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-122 #59884 Vendue tz1QFDxeUhbndxCoM59j7aHT1JeUXmCAAwDx
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-123 OBJKT#61027
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-124 OBJKT#63423
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-125 OBJKT#65100

Tous les jetons ont été émis :)

Ir'Gu is an artist announces the sale of 25 pieces NFT of a puzzle. Each piece is unique, the puzzle is also unique (the photo is property of the artist).
It represents an Opuntia (prickly pear) with a small bee.

The chosen sales site is hic et nunc . Tokens are issued little by little. You can buy some to collect, but also in the hope that someone will want it more than you and buy your part more expensive.
As with Bitcoin, the number of tokens is limited, the closer we get to the 25th, the higher the price.
Now that all the tokens are issued, you can place them in auctions or participate in auctions in order to be able to put the whole puzzle together.

Afterwards, Ir'Gu is an artist will produce other equally unique puzzle.

Quickly go to the site hic et nunc.

Communicate via Twitter @irgostiru
Via Facebook
Via Linkedin

List of creations

Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-101 #8641 Sold tz1fUZ5pMP1gUjuJsp5V631cXmA87Kxm3cuZ
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-102 #8654 Sold tz1fUZ5pMP1gUjuJsp5V631cXmA87Kxm3cuZ
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-103 #9328 Sold tz1fUZ5pMP1gUjuJsp5V631cXmA87Kxm3cuZ
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-104 #16736 Sold tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-105 #22801 Sold tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-106 #23729 Sold tz1MohzpYmKtbp7rJR9jtH8epBsATmDL4Wpd
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-107 #24653 Sold tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-108 #32004 Sold tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-109 #38566 Sold tz1ZmRNg15UZVoM1wE89umMiE35Ff4ZAnKqw
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-110 #38570 Sold tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-111 #40518 Sold tz1QFDxeUhbndxCoM59j7aHT1JeUXmCAAwDx
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-112 #40521 Sold tz1MohzpYmKtbp7rJR9jtH8epBsATmDL4Wpd
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-113 #41971 Sold tz1ZmRNg15UZVoM1wE89umMiE35Ff4ZAnKqw
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-114 #41973 Sold tz1ZmRNg15UZVoM1wE89umMiE35Ff4ZAnKqw
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-115 OBJKT#41982
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-116 OBJKT#46988
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-117 OBJKT#46995
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-118 OBJKT#47003
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-119 OBJKT#47023
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-120 #47040 Sold tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-121 #57825 Sold tz1PEiTtaRQAj297V874yiscrbeYfgu8B1eo
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-122 #59884 Sold tz1QFDxeUhbndxCoM59j7aHT1JeUXmCAAwDx
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-123 OBJKT#61027
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-124 OBJKT#63423
Opuntia-Puzzle-5x5-125 OBJKT#65100

All tokens have been issued :)

Last update 05/21/2021
All content on this page is the property of Ir'Gu is an artist